Abortion Mill Counseling: The final lines. Our aim is to obey the scriptures that teach to rescue those being led away to slaughter, to be a voice for the voiceless, a defender of the weak and to love our neighbor as ourselves. These image bearers of God are being destroyed at the rate of 2 babies every minute of every day and we seek to act out our faith in the lives of these children. We plead with their Mommies and Daddies to love their children and be responsible parents. We offer Hope and Help and share God's word with them knowing only He can change their hearts!
Agitation: We visit shopping centers, town squares and other hot spots around town with signs of babies that have been dismembered, disemboweled and decapitated in order to bring out in the light what is being kept in the dark. Abolitionists have used this method during great evils of their age and we continue to follow in their footsteps. We are not like most people in our culture today, who are far too concerned with their own personal peace and comfort to even discuss abortion in the public square. Most people, even “pro-life” people, are far too socially insecure, sensitive, and afraid of confrontation, to speak their mind about abortion except when they’re safe within the confines of their church, family, and fellow “pro-life” friends. We are not those people.
Church Repent/Exhortation: The churches in America have minimized the wickedness of abortion and minimized their own role and responsibility to be salt and light in this culture of death. “The Evangelical Churches in America have not failed to be pro-life, they have failed to be Christian.” We Call them to repent with us for violating two of the greatest commandments Jesus ever gave us. The second being to Love our neighbor as ourselves. We plead with them to join us in this age old fight to bring an end to Child Sacrifice.
"Project FRONTLINES is designed to bring the message of abolition to our nation’s high schools and aims to expose millions of students to the evil of abortion in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We aim to destroy the misinformation that they are taught in this culture of death through booklets, quadfolds and dropcards as well as engaging these students in conversation.
Call Out The Killers: Exposing these abortionists and other abortion staff at their homes we seek to call them to repent for shedding the blood of innocent children. We see it as our Christian duty to reach out to those in deep darkness, even those who murder children for a living. God’s Word is clear that these people “ lie in wait for their own blood; they set an ambush for their own lives”, and we must warn them of what awaits them if they do not repent. Read Ezekiel 33